Digital Art Festival in Sofia

In the fall of 2023, I was lucky enough to participate in a digital art festival in Sofia. As part of this event, I prepared a small experimental set using my favorite modular synthesizers and TouchDesigner. The basis of the performance was my favorite complex feedback loop, slightly more controlled than in my usual experiments, but still very unstable and dangerous. It was a serious challenge for me to perform this live. Unfortunately, there is no quality recording, but I collected some fragments to convey the atmosphere that was present in the hall. ...

October 23, 2023


I created this work while contemplating my perception and attitude towards the city of Sofia, where I had been living for more than a year and a half by that time. I walked the streets, recording various sounds: trams, the subway, passing cars, as well as the atmosphere of parks, busy and quiet streets. In the end, I assembled a mosaic from this. The video sequence turned out to be quite simple, but it conveys the feeling of hidden energy and electricity present in the city. ...

August 27, 2023